Legal Research Methods in a Modern World: A Coursebook

Legal Research Methods in a Modern World: A Coursebook


Henrik Spang-Hanssen, J. Paul Lomio, George D. Wilson


400 kr

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Om bogen

Legal Research Methods in a Modern World: A Coursebook is a revised and expanded edition of Legal Research Methods in the U.S. and Europe, 2. edition. With the inclusion of chapters on China, Russia, England, and on researching foreign law generally, the title has been changed to reflect the broader scope. It is intended to be used as a coursebook for several alternative courses on legal research. As for American legal research, it explains the impacts and effects of the major changes and developments that have occurred very recently, including the introduction of Bloomberg Law, WestlawNext and the revolutionary Law.govmovement.









Omtale af bogen

"Teachers of foreign, comparative and international legal research courses will find an abundance of practical and helpful resources in this new edition. [...] Legal Research Methods in a Modern World: A Coursebook, Third Edition stands apart from other textbooks in the area because of its in-depth coverage of the EU and the extensive amount of practical resources it includes. [...] Any law library serving patrons with the slightest interest in foreign, comparative, or international law should own a copy."
Lee Peoples, International Journal of Legal Information, 2010