International Business Law
Dorte WierPris
500 kr
Om bogen
The purpose of this book is to equip students with the skills they need to prevent or solve problems in business law. The book aims to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the legal practices and theories and methods used in the field of business law.
The book contains an introduction to various areas of the law that have significance for business: Legal methodology, business models, company law, contract law, the formation of international agreements, the sale of goods, the formation of international sale of goods agreements, international private law and procedural law, public procurement law, competition law, labour law, the law of damages, product liability, insurance agreements, and data protection regulations.
Published with support from Dreyers Fond.
Bogen er udgivet med støtte fra Dreyers Fond
Translated by Russell Dees.
Bogen findes også i en dansk udgave: Erhvervsret i internationalt perspektiv
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The legal method
Chapter 3. Business models and company law
Chapter 4. Contract Law
Chapter 5. Sale of goods
Chapter 6. International private and procedural law
Chapter 7. Public procurement law
Chapter 8. Competition law
Chapter 9. Labor law
Chapter 10. The law of damages (erstatningsret)
Chapter 11. Product liability
Chapter 12. Insurance
Chapter 13. General Data Protection Regulation,
Sources of law
Index of legislation