– Create Results Through Involvement
Line Larsen, Cecilie van Loon, Henrik Horn AndersenPris
425 kr
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About the book
Changes must be managed in order to achieve the desired effect. If you are responsible for managing change processes and ensuring thatthe changes do in fact happen, facilitation is one of the answers.
In Facilitation, professional facilitators generously share their years of work experience, methods, tools together with big and small tips and tricks, which can enhance the toolbox of trained and untrained facilitators.
The book discusses how to create dynamic meetings, workshops and processes in which the participants take ownership of the solution, maintain high energy, while achieving the desired results.
The book provides you with a large toolbox that covers planning, execution and implementation of workshop design and results plus makes a difference for managers, employees and organisations.
Facilitation is about achieving results by involving the human resources of the organisation and creating meaning, energy and stronger relationships between people.
Part I Facilitation
Chapter 1 Facilitation is about creating results and ownership through involvement
Chapter 2 Involvement and ownership
Part II Before – design of the process
Chapter 3 Solid design of processes using the ‘Design Star‘
Chapter 4 Purpose – centre and arms of the Star
Chapter 5 Participants – the ‘co-workers’ in your process
Chapter 6 Environment – creating the right physical and psychological context for your process
Chapter 7 Form – methods and processes to develop the script
Chapter 8 Always take time to manage expectations of roles during the process
Chapter 9 From Design Star to programme and script
Chapter 10 The facilitator
Chapter 11 The task
Chapter 12 Group
Part IV After
Chapter 13 AFTER: Implementation and influencing behaviour
Chapter 14 Giving and receiving feedback in the role of facilitator
Part V Large-scale facilitation
Chapter 15 Large-scale facilitation – facilitation of processes involving many people
Part VI Virtual facilitation
Chapter 16 Virtual facilitation – when the participants cannot meet physically