Contracts not covered or not fully covered

Contracts not covered or not fully covered

– - by the Public Sector Directive


Carina Risvig Hamer


475 kr

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Om bogen

This book analyses, clarifies and discusses which positive obligations derived from primary EU law a contracting authority must apply when entering into either a service concession contract, a contract below the thresholds or a B-service contract, and how these obligations can be enforced.

The Public Sector Directive applies to certain public contracts and requires contracting authorities to follow a detailed set of rules when awarding public contracts. For a range of reasons, not all types of contracts fall within the Public Sector Directive including service concessions contracts, contracts below the thresholds and B-services. When contracting authorities are awarding public contracts they are obliged to follow the EU Treaties, and the principles derived therefrom. The case law from the Court of Justice has shown that the principles of the Treaties imply certain positive obligations for contracting authorities which must be observed before a contract can be awarded and signed. Hence, this book seeks to analyse and discuss what these obligations consist of.
This book is a slightly amended version of the authors PhD Thesis









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"Den er udover at være interessant for et akademisk publikum også for mange praktikere, der beskæftiger sig med udbudsretten i deres daglige arbejde."
Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, December 2012 

Karnov Group, U.2013B.138