Contestation of EU Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy
Magdalena Gora (red.), Natasza Styczynska (red.), Marcin Zubek (red.)Pris
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This book investigates the domestic sources of two components of the EU Foreign Policy directed toward its closest neighbourhood: the EU Enlargement and the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The book employs various methodologies and approaches to uncover the main actors, arguments and arenas that are engaged in the processes of contestation, legitimization and politicisation of the EU’s relations with its neighbours. In doing so, it highlights how these policies are contested by civil society, political parties and in parliamentary debates at the EU level and in member states. By implication, this volume encourages a debate on if, and how, democratic principles can operate within the EU Foreign Policy realm, and also on the effects of citizens’ involvement in the external relations domain.
Magdalena Góra, PhD, works at the Institute of European Studies at the Jagiellonian University. Her research concentrates on the external relations of the European Union, the changes in foreign policy and international relations in Central and Eastern Europe, and on collective identification changes in the European Union after enlargement.
Natasza Styczynska, PhD, works at the Institute of European Studies at the
Jagiellonian University. Her academic interests include transformation processes in Central and Eastern Europe, party politics, nationalism, populism and Euroscepticism in Eastern Europe.
Marcin Zubek, PhD, works at the Institute of European Studies at the Jagiellonian University. His research focuses on peacebuilding processes in postconflict environments, the impact of peace support operations, and democratic control of security policy.