Common European Procedural Law
– European Law Requirements Imposed on National Administration of Justice
Erik WerlauffPris
770 kr
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The rules governing proceedings before national courts are no longer supremely national. To an increasing extent European law provisions are setting up requirements stemming from the EC Treaty, the Brussels Convention on mutual recognition of judgments and from the European Convention on Human Rights with its demand for a fair trial.Common European Procedural Law aims at creating an overview, and demonstrating the interplay, of these rules which despite their varying sources are aimed at the same addresses: the courts and their users, and they are also pursuing the same purpose: to create equality between parties, pleas and arguments, courts at the same time to create a certain minimum of effective force of European law rules.The author, Erik Werlauff, is professor of law at the University of Aalborg and combines his research and lecturing experience with a considerable procedural law practical experience gained from an interim appointment as a judge before the Western Division of the Danish high court, from acting as arbitrator in several cases, from his years as a practicing lawyer prior to the professor appointment, etc. He has written a number of books and articles on EC law, procedural law, and business and commercial law, including the book "EC Company Law".