Children's Rights
– The Convention on the Rights of the Child in Danish Law
Trine Schultz, Anne Mørk, Hanne HartoftPris
400 kr
Om bogen
This book is about children's rights seen from a legal perspective. The purpose of the book is to take a look at how children's rights are protected in the UN Convention on the Rights of the child and how they are respected in a Danish context.
The Convention has given rise to constant discussion in legal theory - What is the status of the Convention? What legal significance does it have? How is the child protected by the provisions of the Convention? What individual rights does the Convention give each child? How are children's rights protected in Danish law and practice? The authors try to address these issues both on a general level and by looking at specific areas of Danish law in which children's rights appear to be under pressure or give rise to further investigation.
The book is aimed at a Scandinavian audience with insight into the social structures of Nordic welfare States and their organization. However, the book may easily appeal to a wider readership but with the proviso that the chapters of the book presuppose some knowledge of the authorities and forms of regulation in Scandinavian countries.
The authors are primarily researchers at the Department of Law at Aalborg University, but Nordic colleagues in the field of child law have also contributed to the book.
Chapter 1. Introduction: Children’s Rights as a Legal Discipline
Chapter 2. CRC Rights in Danish Law: Considerations on Methodology
Chapter 3. Clarifications of Concepts. On the Four General Principles of the CRC
Chapter 4. The Child as Rights Holder Caught between Tradition and Change – some Methodological Considerations with a Starting Point in Child Welfare Cases
Chapter 5. Children in Conflict with the Law
Chapter 6. The Right to Representation. An Analysis with Perspectives on Danish Youth Crime Boards
Chapter 7. Legal Protection of Refugee and Migrant Children
Chapter 8. The Right to Education. The Case of Denmark
Chapter 9. Children’s Right to Public Welfare Support
Chapter 10. Emergency Placement of the Newborn Child
Chapter 11. What Constitutes the Sale of a Child? An Examination of Danish and International Law
Chapter 12. Legal Responses to the Nexus between Climate Change and Children’s Rights
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
List of Sources
Notes on Contributors
Case Law and practice