Alf Ross
– a life
Jens EvaldPris
550 kr
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Om bogen
This is the story of Alf Ross, one of the founding fathers of the so-called Scandinavian legal realism.
On the surface, the life of Alf Ross was a fairy tale; at least he had to go through an awful lot of hardship both in relation to love and work before he became an internationally known and recognized philosopher and legal scholar.
But the story of Alf Ross is not a fairy tale. It is the story about a man’s struggle to greatness and the consequences of such a struggle in his relationship with other people including his spouse. This is the story that is told in the book on Alf Ross.
Published with support from Margot og Thorvald Dreyers Fond.
Introduction. A scientific approach to life
Chapter 1. The sun rises
Chapter 2. Paris, Vienna, London and Berlin
Chapter 3. The humiliation
Chapter 4. Struggle, victory and shame
Chapter 5. The German refugee
Chapter 6. War, Socialism and Democracy
Chapter 7. Contact with Norway and the journey to America
Chapter 8. A modern philosophy of law informed by scientific method
Chapter 9. Else-Merete Ross
Chapter 10. The golden time
Chapter 11. Autumn
Chapter 12. ‘That was it. Thank you for your attention’