Ærlig forhandling

Ærlig forhandling


Keld Jensen


399 kr

Om bogen

Bogen Ærlig Forhandling er skrevet af Keld Jensen.

Forhandling er et psykologisk spil mellem enkeltpersoner. Man skal kende spillets regler for at være effektiv. Uheldigvis udvikler forhandlinger sig ofte negativt – til et slagsmål med vindere og tabere. En forhandler antager, at hans modparts interesser er i modstrid med hans egne. Uenighed, konflikter, fastlåste situationer og ødelagte forbindelser bliver ofte resultatet. 

Med Ærlig forhandling er det omvendt. Her lærer du at vinde, uden at din modpart taber. Bogen præsenterer et væld af praktiske forhandlingsråd og er illustreret med eksempler fra den virkelige verden og underbygget med adfærdsøkonomisk teori. 

Du forhandler mere eller mindre bevidst i gennemsnit op til 10.000 gange årligt. Derfor vurderer World Economic Forum at forhandlingsteknik er den femte vigtigste medarbejderkompetence, uanset hvad du beskæftiger dig med! 

Den kompetente forhandler forstår at begge parter må vinde for at opnå overlegne resultater, større værdi og langvarigt samarbejde. Lær hvordan med Ærlig forhandling.









“Mr. Jensen represents an important and unique voice in the field of negotiation. I have been consistently impressed with the depth and breadth of his writing, which presents complex negotiation concepts in user-friendly, operational ways that draw on his vast negotiation consulting experience. His novel approach combines expert academic knowledge with practical approaches and has generated a unique concept in SMARTnership and the financial model of NegoEconomics. 
Mr. Jensen is a prolific writer and educator on negotiation, communication, ethics, and trust. His output of high-quality books and articles is indeed remarkable. “
- Director Daniel L. Shapiro, Ph.D., Harvard International Negotiation Program, Harvard Law School, Associate Professor of Psychology, Harvard Medical School




"This brilliant book is full of practical, exceedingly useful and interesting ideas and tools for negotiation either for the beginner or the seasoned professional and will guide anyone to a better negotiation competency.
This is a treasure trove of practical wisdom that takes the reader along the path to successfully cultivating the art / science of negotiations and offers immediately actionable steps for improvement in your real world commercial negotiations. Keld distils the essentials of negotiations into a read - worthy, must read on negotiations.

Joseph F Martinez, Chief Procurement & Financial Services Officer for MUFG Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group